Thursday, October 2, 2014

My Favorite Childhood Book Series and Books

Dear Readers,

I apologize for the long wait, I have been creating a new blog that needed my attention. This is a fashion blog I have created, if anyone wants to read it here is the link:

Anyway, I wanted to make a post about my favorite childhood books and book series.These books are the ones that I read in elementary school mostly ( except the 5th one which I read in elementary and middle school) Books were a large part of my childhood and I wanted to make a post to share with you my favorite books and book series of my younger years. So lets begin:

5. Judy Blume Novels

While that may be a strange place to start, I remember my love of Judy Blume from when I first read the Fudge books. Later I moved onto the classic "Are you there God, It's Me Margret" (Aka a book that I believe almost every preteen girl  in the read at least once in their life) and my personal favorite "Starring Sally J. Freedman as Herself."Judy Blume is someone who I grew up reading, from her fudge books to Forever ( did not read that until High School). She is an author who will always have a special place in my heart and on my shelf.

4. Magic Tree House Series

When I was younger next to my number 1 book pick this was the series I read most in elementary school was The Magic Tree House series,The series is about two children who find a tree house in the woods that is filled with books. Once inside they realize that the tree house in magic and that all that books in the tree house can transport them to different times and worlds. They can open a book about dinosaurs and be transported to the Jurassic age or open about space and be transported to the moon. The stories and possibilities were endless and I loved it. My favorite I think was the one with Pompeii, it was educational, interesting, and adventurous all at the same time. I also liked the Shakespeare one and how they kinda change history by making Annie be able to play one of the roles even though girls were not originally allowed to be in plays during that time (at least I believe that is part of the plot of the book). This series is definitely something that I will always remember from my childhood

3. The Polar Express

Polar Express is one of my favorite books I ever read when I was little and something I always have to read and watch every Christmas time. The book is about a magical train that comes on Christmas eve to take kids to see Santa. There, Santa will choose one child and ask him what he wants for Christmas and they will get their wish. The book is a sweet book, with beautiful painted illustrations to go with the words. It is a Christmas classic with a pretty sweet message at the end ( won't spoil it for people who are interested in reading the book). I recommend giving it a read this holiday season to a younger child, sister, brother, or even just yourself.

2. The Kissing Hand

If there is one picture book I remember as a child it is The Kissing Hand. The book is something that my mother read to me the first day of kindergarten. The book is about a raccoon and his mother. The young raccoon is scared to leave his mom to go to school, so the raccoon's mother kisses the palm of her child's hand and says that he know has the kissing hand. This means that whenever he misses her he can look at his palm and remember that his mothers kiss is there and that she is always with him. My own mother actually did the same thing with me on my first day of kindergarten. So while this story has sentimental value to it for me, it is also a cute and nice book with beautiful full page illustrations to accompany the story. If you ever want to know what to read a child on his or her first day of school, I would definitely recommend this book.

And My #1 book series or book as a child...

1. Junie B. Jones Series

As surprising as it may sound I was not always a reader. I used to have to be bribed by my mother to read for 15 minutes when I was younger. Then I discovered the Junie B Jones. The book series changed my life. It was a series that started off my love of reading. The books are about a young Kindergartner by the name of Junie B. Jones, she is cute, funny, annoying at times, and totally relatable to me. I believe that the reason I first did not enjoy reading is because I could not find a book I could relate to and really enjoy. This book I immensely enjoyed and would spend afternoon after afternoon reading. For my birthday, Christmas, and even just random days I would ask my dad or mom to buy me one if we were in Walmart. I think I probably got everyone out of the library and god, I even went to a Junie B. Jones smelly Bus tour ( which had an actress dress up as Junie B. Jones and her kindergarten bus driver and talk to us) at a book store ( which I would like to thank my parents for taking me to even though the book store was most likely an hour or so away because I had never been to it). This book series set off my love of reading and for that I am eternally grateful.


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